Aden, Yemen booked.net

The First Deputy Chairman of YGAPC meets the General Chinese Consul in Aden

May 8, 2014

Mr. /A’mmer Saeed Al-Zoarri – the First Deputy Chairman at YGAPC has met this Thursday morning 05/08/2014, the General Consul of the Chinese Embassy in Aden Mr./ Ban Chinan in the presence of the Commercial Consul Mr. / Shu Fang.

The Chinese Consul presented his congratulations for the assignment of the First Deputy Chairman, then discussed the relations of cooperation between the two sides , as well as the aspects of the problem related to the subject of detaining two Chinese ships on some business cases with the court. The first Deputy expressed his willingness to cooperate and assign specialists from the Corporation to follow up the matter which would facilitate solving the problem as the subject concerns other parties, including the owners of the cargo, the quality & specifications authority and the judiciary, stressing the strength of relations between Yemen and China in order to serve both countries and peoples .

The meeting was attended by Mr. / Moh’d Alawi Omzrbah – Deputy Chairman for Administrative Affairs , Capt./ Shafia Mohammed Saeed Abdulla - GM of the Wharves and Yards Dept. and Mr. / Ahmed Muthana Ahmed - GM of Planning , marketing and Informaion Dept.

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