Aden, Yemen booked.net

High-level Chinese Delegation Visits the Port of Aden

August 14, 2014

Captain / Abdullah Ibrahim Abkar Executive Chairman - Chairman of the Board of Directors has received on Thursday morning, 14/08/2014 a high-level Chinese delegation

headed by the Economic Advisor of the Ministry of Commerce of China, Mr. / Chen Lin and executive vice president of the Chinese company for ports engineering (CHEC) which will implement the project of expanding and deepening the {ort of Aden, accompanied by both the Director-General and Projects Director and a delegation from the Chinese International Engineering Consulting represented by the Deputy Chairman, accompanied by the Director of Marketing and the Director of the Chinese bank, which will fund the project of the Port of Aden, as well as the regional Director of the Chinese company for international trade.

The visit comes after several visits and meetings followed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding that was signed in the Chinese capital Beijing between both YGAPC under the supervision of the Ministry of Transport of Yemen and the Chinese Company for Ports Engineering, during the visit of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Yemen, Marshal Abdo Rabbo Mansoor Hadi to the Peoples Republic of China in November 14, 2013.

The Chinese delegation held a session of talks with the leadership of YGAPC and Aden Co. for Ports Development at the Head Quarters building of the Corporation represented by the Executive Chairman of the Corporation and his Deputies and the General Manager of Aden Co, for Ports Development in the presence of Captain / Ali Subhi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport for maritime affairs sector and the Governorate undersecretary Mr. / Ahmed Al-Dulai so as to finalize the talks to start implementing the project of expanding and deepening the Port of Aden. After the completion of the talks, the Chinese delegation, accompanied by the leadership of the Corporation paid a field visit to Aden Container Terminal to inspect the site of the huge project which would allow the Port of Aden appears again on the map of international competition in the shipping field since implementing this strategic project would raise the operational and accommodation capacity of Aden Container Terminal, as well as allowing the Port of Aden restores its leading role in the region as a hub Port capable of providing service to its customers from international shipping lines and even attract transit trade in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

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