Aden, Yemen booked.net

Coordinator of United Nations Experts Team meets the leadership of YGAPC

July 9, 2018

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yemen Gulf of Aden Ports Corporation, Mr. Mohamed Alawi Amzerbah met on Sunday, 8th of July 2018, the coordinator of United Nations Experts Team in Yemen, established by Security Council resolution 2140 (2114), Mr. Ahmed Hamish. In the meeting, the Executive Chairman briefed the team coordinator on the port's activities and the difficulties faced by the port during the recent war in Aden city. The port has been operating for the past four years in all economic and commercial aspects, most importantly humanitarian aspects in relief , international and Arab assistance to all regions of Yemen under the attention and patronage of the political leadership represented by the President of the Republic, Marshal Abdo Rabo Mansour Hadi. The Executive Chairman also responded to a number of questions asked by the UN Security Council's expert coordinator. The Executive Chairman pointed out that the port of Aden is safe and carries out its normal navigation activities, dismissing rumors that reaches international shipping companies and agencies, which claims that the port is not safe. He praised the support of the President Abdurbo Mansour Hadi and the legitimate government who have helped the Port of Aden to continue providing its services under complex conditions for more than three years without interruption. He added that the Arab coalition forces led by Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates in Aden provided protection to the port after the war, which encouraged the movement of trade to return back to the port, praising the level of "continuous coordination between the leadership of the coalition in Aden and the Management of the port, in order to resolve the problems that appear instantly". The meeting was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the Port, Eng. Abdulrab Al-Khulaqi, the Port Officer Capt. Shakib Mohammed Abdul Wahed, Mr.Ahmed Muthanna, the General Manager of Planning and Marketing Dept. and the Advisor of the Minister of Transport Mr. Saleh Al-Wali.

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