Aden, Yemen booked.net

Restoration of the Breakwater in the Port of Aden (Ras Marbat - Tawahi)

December 6, 2020

Within the framework of many self-financed projects carried out by the Corporation for the aim of developing and improving its services, the Technical Department has implemented the works of restoration of the Breakwater located in the area of ​​Ras Morbat in Tawahi, where the work was divided into several stages until it is completed perfectly.
The works included protecting the head of the breakerwater with blocks, reinforcing the body protections with a weight of ten tons, restoring the base of the breakwater lighthouse, casting tiles for the entrance to the breakwater bridge, as well as the floor of the lighthouse corridor, restoring the head of the breakwater and strengthening the protection of the internal inclinations with stones.
 It is worth noting that the last restoration work of the breakwater was partially carried out during the year 2012.
The importance of the breakwater lies in general in protecting the port from strong waves and storms, and providing a calm area inside the port, therefore the incoming ships can berth and move safely in the port.

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