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The Executive Chairman of YGAPC meets representatives of stevedoring companies..

April 21, 2013

On Thursday morning, April 18th 2013 a meeting was held at YGAPC headquarters headed by Captain / Sami Saeed Farea the Executive Chairman – Chairman of the Board and his Deputy, Engineer/ Abdullah Fudhail , and other specialists from the Corporation and representatives of the stevedoring companies

During this meeting a proposed mechanism for organizing the work of stevedoring at Ma'alla berths which was submitted by the Corporation was discussed and enriched with observations and agreed on some amendments and additions.

The Executive Chairman of the Corporation stressed the need to adhere to the Regulation and maintain the interest of the work and workers rights, emphasizing the need to count and distribute the workers. The meeting resulted with a number of recommendations which were as follows:

1) The formation of a Committee consist of the General Manager of Licenses and Services, the General Manager of Legal Affairs, advisors of the Chairman for Legal and Financial Affairs with the participation of representatives from the Insurance and Social Affairs and Labour Office / Aden to discuss the share of General Corporation for Social Security for the Institution of Insurance and Pensions as well as health insurance and maintaining the rights of workers and taking the Ministry of Transport approval.

2) The establishment of Stevedoring Department in the Wharves Department with the task of monitoring and supervising the functioning of the stevedoring activities and the assistance in addressing any shortcomings or problems..

Everyone approved what was stated in this proposed mechanism by the leadership of the Corporation, taking into account the proposals and amendments submitted by the representatives of the stevedoring agents:

- To be one Group instead of two

-The formation of Stevedoring Department to oversee the loading and unloading operations in the Wharves & Yards.

- Amend supervision fee to YR five (5) per ton, and each company has to nominate a delegate to prepare their workers who should be equal with what is existing at Yemen Red Sea Ports Corporation and to be agreed upon at the Yemen Gulf of Aden Ports Corporation and to be forwarded to the Ministry of Transport for approval ..

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