Aden, Yemen booked.net

Chairman of YGAPC Chaired settlement of ships disputes committee meeting

January 19, 2017

The Executive Chairman of YGAPC Mr. / Mohammed Alawi Omzarbah has Chaired  on Sunday, 15/01/2017 a meeting with the Settlement Committee for injury disputes on ships.

The committee discussed the problems of ships at the Port of Aden. The Chairman stressed  during the meeting on the work under the decision of the Governor  of Aden regarding settlement of injured workers on ships disputes for the sake of the port reputation, noting that from now on the Corporation will not allow arresting ships illegally. He clarified that the Corporation is working hard to provide and equip a specialized clinic in case of a causality on ships and that the concerned committee should address the case without seizing ships and there isa coordination with the judiciary not to accept any requests for seizuring ships until a final settlement by the  Committee is made.

The Chairman confirmed that within the coming days the Port of Aden will witness a remarkable development in stevedoring activities  through the Integrated preparation for stevedoring  and organizing work relationship between all the parties invoved.

The meeting was attended by Capt./ Shafea Hariri, the Wharves General Manager, Mr.Ahmed Hussein, the Manager of Wharves Dept., Captain Ahmed Al Bishi Deputy Harbor Master,  Mr. Mohammed Abdul Majeed, the Head of ships disputes committee, Ms. Fatima and Mr.Abdo Naaman members of the committee, Mr. Fahd Gozi, the  Manager of Stevedoring Dept., Mr. Hani Kamrani, Deputy Manager of Stevedorig Dept. and Dr. / Wadah Ghrama.

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