Aden, Yemen booked.net

The Executive Chairman discusses aspects of mutual cooperation with the Chinese Ambassador

November 24, 2012

Captain / Sami Saeed Farea Executive Chairman of YGAPC received in his office this morning, the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Aden Mr. Chang Hua and his accompanying delegation and discussed the available investment opportunities

and advantages of the Port of Aden and its expansion potentials.

The Executive Chairman gave the Chinese Ambassador a detailed explanation of the development plan for Aden Container Terminal and the 400 meters expansion project of the container berth length s and stressed the importance of developing the Port of Aden, the Free Zone,the Airport and the Industrial Area. He added that the Port of Aden is surrounded by competing ports regionally and internationally and it needs support for the implementation of its vital projects, which will enable it to compete with those ports. The Executive Chairman also discussed with the Chinese Ambassador the mechanism to develop cooperation with Chinese ports and the exchange of visits to benefit from the Chinese experience in the field of ports through signing a Memo of Understanding (twinning) between the two sides.

The Executive Chairman pointed to the improved security situation in the city of Aden and invited Chinese companies to invest in the Port of Aden, as well as the return of the Chinese shipping lines to use the Port again.

For his part, the Chinese Ambassador praised the Port of Aden location and historical status , in addition to the deep and excellence Sino-Yemeni relations at all levels and expressed the wish of the Chinese companies to invest in the Port of Aden. He also confirmed that he will deliver the invitation to the Chinese lines. The Chinese Ambassador then expressed his admiration for the city of Aden and its attractive beauty.

At the end of the meeting souvenirs were exchanged between the two sides in the presence of the Deputy Executive Chairman Engineer / Abdullah Fudail. Then the Chinese Ambassador, accompanied by the Executive Chairman and his deputy, visited Ma'alla and Aden Container Terminals.

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