Aden, Yemen booked.net

The Consulting team IOS Partners visits YGAPC

March 2, 2014

Within his visit to the Governorate of Aden , a team of IOS Partners experts, assigned by the World Bank to carry out consultancy services relating to the development of the port

, the airport and the free zone in the framework of the development of the Governorate of Aden , has paid a visit on Sunday morning, March 2, 2014 to the Head Quarters of the Corporation and was received by the Executive Chairman of the Corporation captain/ Sami Saeed Farea , Deputy Chairman Eng. / Abdullah Mohammed Fudhail , a number of Managers at the Corporation and representatives of the Executive Office of the Governorate of Aden.

The meeting discussed many aspects of the Corporation and the development of the Port of Aden , providing the consulting team with the requested data and information necessary to help them carry out their mission , besides responding to all comments and inquiries made by the expert team.

It should be noted that the task of the consultants comes in the framework of the preparation of studies and scenarios assumed by the World Bank on the development of the most prominent Corporations, facilities and economic sectors in the Governorate, which is the Port of Aden, Aden International Airport and the Free Zone in Aden , according to the request of the leadership of the Governorate and the Yemeni government represented by the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in coordination with the leadership of the Ministry of Transport and other relevant authorities. .

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