Aden, Yemen booked.net

The First Deputy of YGAPC Visits the Technical, Marine, Ma’alla wharves Depts. and listens to the workers suggestions and concerns

May 20, 2014

The First Chairman Deputy of YGAPC, Mr. A’mer Al-Zaouri has paid a field visit on Monday morning, May 19, 2014 accompanied by the leaders of the syndicate committees to the various departments and work sites at the Technical Marine, Wharves Dept.

He was briefed on the technical workshop components by the Managers , technicians and workers who gave him a detailed explanation about the workshop and its equipments and the nature of business carried out . He also listened to workers issues and difficulties obstructing their work and the most important was the workshop renovation with developed and modern equipments besides the absence of training and qualifying , which is one of the problems and obstacles that limit the technical workshop and the technical department in general to carry out the manufacture and production process of spare parts and supplies required by marine crafts and equipments used in the Port which has led the corporation to buy them from the market or import it from abroad. These pieces could have been produced and manufactured in the workshop which used to play this role previously...

With regard to labor issues concerning the administrative aspects, it has been agreed to form a committee to address and solve the workers problems and complains..

The visit included the maintenance Dept. for boats, marine tugs and equipments.

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